I am majoring in sociology, especially in social thought of George Herbert Mead and theoretical and methodological potentiality of symbolic interactionism. I took a doctorate by a thesis on Mead at Tohoku University in 2006, and published it as a book, Social Theory of George Herbert Mead, in 2006. Before that I translated some articles by Mead in 1991 with Professor Funatsu,Mamoru, one of those scholars who introduced the perspective of symbolic interactionism into Japan and taught me the import of the position of Herbert Blumer. Thereafter I also took part in the translation of Handbook of Qualitative Research 2nd edition by Denzin and Lincoln, as well as the Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry by Thomas A. Schwandt. My second book, Sociology of Color Vision Discrimination and Difficulty to Talk in 2016, is an attempt of an alternative writing in the crisis of representation.